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Japan-U.S.-ROK Foreign Ministers’ Video Conference Meeting

On August 15, Mr. HAYASHI Yoshimasa, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, held a Japan-U.S.-Republic of Korea (ROK) Foreign Ministers’ Video Conference Meeting with the Honorable Antony Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States of America, and His Excellency Dr. Park Jin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. The overview of the meeting is as follows.

  1. At the outset, Foreign Minister Hayashi expressed his deepest sympathies to the people and the Government of the United States for the devastating damages that have been caused by the wild fires in Hawaii and hoped for the earliest possible recovery from the disaster.
  2. Welcoming the recent progress of cooperation among Japan, the U.S. and the ROK including the Japan-U.S.-ROK Foreign Ministers’ Meeting held last month, the three Ministers reaffirmed that as the current security environment surrounding the three countries becomes more severe, trilateral cooperation among Japan, the U.S., and the ROK is increasingly important not only in dealing with North Korea, but also in realizing peace and stability in the region and beyond, as well as in realizing a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”.
  3. The three Ministers shared the recognition that upcoming Japan-U.S.-ROK Summit to be held on August 18 will be a historic opportunity for trilateral cooperation, aligned their views to make the Summit a success, and concurred to continue their coordination closely.

Source : mofa.go

