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Biden Affirms US’s Enduring Commitment to Pacific Region

President Joe Biden reiterated the importance of the US’s engagement in the Pacific region on Thursday, saying America is vital to the future of the region.

Speaking at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco, Biden said the US presence has been instrumental in fostering growth, ensuring open commerce, and lifting millions out of poverty.

Recalling his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping a day earlier, he said he explained to him why the US is so engaged in the Pacific.

“It is because we’re a Pacific nation. And because of us, there’s been peace and security in the region, allowing you to grow. He didn’t disagree,” he said.

He called his meeting “very good, straightforward.”

“We aren’t going anywhere. For decades, America’s enduring commitment to the region has been a springboard. It’s enabled growth, transformative growth, ensured the open flow of commerce, lifted millions of people out of poverty,” he added.

Saying the US remains vital to the future of the region, Biden said: “The region is more vital than ever to the United States of America.”

He underlined that this perspective has been a cornerstone of his administration’s approach since day one, and his Indo-Pacific strategy outlines their commitment to the region.

“We’re delivering across the board, including when it comes to our shared economic agenda. The United States has deep ties with our fellow APEC economies,” he added.

He recalled that more than 60% of US exports go to fellow APEC economies.

Biden also highlighted robust investment relationships that support job creation and new opportunities across the region.

“American businesses significantly represented here in this auditorium are the largest source of foreign direct investment in APEC economies,” he noted.

The US maintains a military presence in the Pacific, including bases in Japan and South Korea and on the island of Guam and has strong economic and trade ties with many Pacific nations.

Source : aa

